Εκτεταμένη αναζήτηση


Klein, Naomi

Εκδότης Penguin , ISBN 9780241621318

What if you woke up one morning and found you'd acquired a double? Someone almost like you, and yet not you at all?

When Naomi Klein discovered that a woman who shared her first name, but had radically different, harmful views, was getting chronically mistaken for her, it seemed too ridiculous to take seriously. Then suddenly it wasn't. She started to find herself grappling with a distorted sense of reality, becoming obsessed with reading the threats on social media, the endlessly scrolling insults from the followers of her doppelganger.

Why had her shadowy other gone down such an extreme path? Why was identity - all we have to meet the world - so unstable?

To find out, Klein decided to follow her double into a bizarre, uncanny mirror world: one of conspiracy theories, anti-vaxxers and demagogue hucksters, where soft-focus wellness influencers make common cause with fire-breathing far right propagandists (all in the name of protecting 'the children'). In doing so, she lifts the lid on our own culture during this surreal moment in history, as we turn ourselves into polished virtual brands, publicly shame our enemies, watch as deep fakes proliferate and whole nations flip from democracy to something far more sinister.

This is a book for our age and for all of us; a deadly serious dark comedy which invites us to view our reflections in the looking glass. It's for anyone who has lost hours down an internet rabbit hole, who wonders why our politics has become so fatally warped, and who wants a way out of our collective vertigo and back to fighting for what really matters.


What if you woke up one morning and found you'd acquired a double? Someone almost like you, and yet not you at all?

When Naomi Klein discovered that a woman who shared her first name, but had radically different, harmful views, was getting chronically mistaken for her, it seemed too ridiculous to take seriously. Then suddenly it wasn't. She started to find herself grappling with a distorted sense of reality, becoming obsessed with reading the threats on social media, the endlessly scrolling insults from the followers of her doppelganger.

Why had her shadowy other gone down such an extreme path? Why was identity - all we have to meet the world - so unstable?

To find out, Klein decided to follow her double into a bizarre, uncanny mirror world: one of conspiracy theories, anti-vaxxers and demagogue hucksters, where soft-focus wellness influencers make common cause with fire-breathing far right propagandists (all in the name of protecting 'the children'). In doing so, she lifts the lid on our own culture during this surreal moment in history, as we turn ourselves into polished virtual brands, publicly shame our enemies, watch as deep fakes proliferate and whole nations flip from democracy to something far more sinister.

This is a book for our age and for all of us; a deadly serious dark comedy which invites us to view our reflections in the looking glass. It's for anyone who has lost hours down an internet rabbit hole, who wonders why our politics has become so fatally warped, and who wants a way out of our collective vertigo and back to fighting for what really matters.

Πληροφορίες προϊόντος

  • Συγγραφέας Klein, Naomi
  • Eκδότης Penguin
  • ISBN 9780241621318
  • Κωδικός Ευριπίδη 040100082071
  • Έτος κυκλοφορίας 2023
  • Σελίδες 0
  • Διαστάσεις
  • Βάρος 350 gr

Klein, Naomi


Η Ναόμι Κλάιν γεννήθηκε το 1970 στο Mόντρεαλ και ζει στο Tορόντο, στον Kαναδά. Eίναι γνωστή δημοσιογράφος και αρθρογραφεί σε πολλά έντυπα μεταξύ των οποίων συμπεριλαμβάνονται: "The Toronto Globe and Mail", "The Nation", "The Progressive", "The Guardian", "The New York Times", "The New Statesman", "Newsweek International". Το 2004 παρουσίασε το "The Take", ένα ντοκιμαντέρ για τα κατειλημμένα εργοστάσια της Αργεντινής, του οποίου υπήρξε συμπαραγωγός μαζί με το σκηνοθέτη Έιβι Λιούις. Είναι πρώην μέλος του επιστημονικού προσωπικού του Οικονομικού Πανεπιστημίου του Λονδίνου (London School of Economics) και επίτιμη διδάκτωρ Πολιτικού Δικαίου του Πανεπιστημίου King College της Νέας Σκοτίας. Tο βιβλίο της "No Logo" έγινε διεθνές μπεστ σέλερ, μεταφράστηκε σε είκοσι οχτώ γλώσσες και χαρακτηρίστηκε "βίβλος των κινημάτων". Έχει τιμηθεί μεταξύ άλλων με το Canadian National Business Book Award και το Le Prix Mediations. H Nαόμι Kλάιν είναι ενεργό μέλος του αντι-εταιρικού ακτιβισμού, συμμετέχοντας σε εκδηλώσεις που διοργανώνονται στη Bόρεια Aμερική, την Aσία, τη Λατινική Aμερική και την Eυρώπη.

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