Εκτεταμένη αναζήτηση


ARMSTRONG KAREN , Armstrong, Karen

Εκδότης Phoenix , ISBN 9780753813409

Buddhism is a faith that commands over 100 million followers throughout the world. Buddha stands with Christ, Confucius and Mohammed as someone who revolutionized the religious ideas of his time to advocate a new way of living.

All that is known about Buddha comes from a collection of ancient writings that fuse history, biography and myth. Karen Armstrong distils from these the key events of Buddha's life: his birth as Siddhartha Gotama in the fifth century BC and his abandonment of his wife and son; his attainment of enlightenment under the Banyan tree (the moment he became a buddha, or enlightened one; his political influence; the divisions among his followers; and his serene death. Armstrong also introduces the key tenets of Buddhism: she explains the doctrine of anatta (no-soul) and the concepts of kamma (actions), samsara (keeping going), dhamma (a law or teaching that reflects the fundamental principles of existence) and the idealised state of nibbana (literally the 'cooling of the ego'). Since it promotes no personal god, Buddhism, writes Armstrong, 'is essentially a psychological faith'. In our own age of secular anxiety, she shows that it has profound lessons to teach about selflessness and the simple life.

Karen Armstrong's short book is a magnificent introduction to the life and thought of this most influential of spiritual thinkers.


Buddhism is a faith that commands over 100 million followers throughout the world. Buddha stands with Christ, Confucius and Mohammed as someone who revolutionized the religious ideas of his time to advocate a new way of living.

All that is known about Buddha comes from a collection of ancient writings that fuse history, biography and myth. Karen Armstrong distils from these the key events of Buddha's life: his birth as Siddhartha Gotama in the fifth century BC and his abandonment of his wife and son; his attainment of enlightenment under the Banyan tree (the moment he became a buddha, or enlightened one; his political influence; the divisions among his followers; and his serene death. Armstrong also introduces the key tenets of Buddhism: she explains the doctrine of anatta (no-soul) and the concepts of kamma (actions), samsara (keeping going), dhamma (a law or teaching that reflects the fundamental principles of existence) and the idealised state of nibbana (literally the 'cooling of the ego'). Since it promotes no personal god, Buddhism, writes Armstrong, 'is essentially a psychological faith'. In our own age of secular anxiety, she shows that it has profound lessons to teach about selflessness and the simple life.

Karen Armstrong's short book is a magnificent introduction to the life and thought of this most influential of spiritual thinkers.

Πληροφορίες προϊόντος

  • Συγγραφέας ARMSTRONG KAREN,Armstrong, Karen
  • Eκδότης Phoenix
  • ISBN 9780753813409
  • Κωδικός Ευριπίδη 040100016343
  • Έτος κυκλοφορίας
  • Σελίδες 0
  • Διαστάσεις
  • Βάρος 350 gr

Armstrong, Karen


Η Κάρεν Άρμστρογκ γεννήθηκε το 1944 στο Wildmoor, στο Worcestershire της Αγγλίας, από γονείς Ιρλανδικής καταγωγής. Μεταξύ 1962-1969, ενώ ήταν ακόμα στην εφηβεία, εντάχθηκε στη ρωμαιοκαθολική αδελφότητα The Sisters of the Holy Child Jesus ως μοναχή. Την ίδια εποχή, γράφτηκε στο Κολέγιο St Anne's του Πανεπιστημίου της Οξφόρδης, όπου σπούδασε αγγλική λογοτεχνία, θρησκειολογία και θεολογία, εγκαταλείποντας όμως τελικά τον μοναχισμό. Το 1976 άρχισε να καταγράφει τις εμπειρίες της στο αυτοβιογραφικό βιβλίο "Through the Narrow Gate" ("Μέσα από τη Στενή Πύλη"), που εκδόθηκε το 1982 συγκεντρώνοντας επαινετικές κριτικές. Η διεθνής αναγνώριση ήρθε όμως το 1993 με τη μελέτη της "In A History of God: The 4,000-Year Quest of Judaism, Christianity and Islam" (ελλ. έκδ. "Η ιστορία του Θεού", εκδ. Φιλίστωρ, 1998). Ακολούθησαν και άλλα βιβλία για την ιστορία του Μωάμεθ, του Ισλάμ, του Βούδα, της Βίβλου, κλπ. Σήμερα ζει στο Λονδίνο και διδάσκει ιστορία των θρησκειών και θεολογία σε βρετανικά και αμερικανικά πανεπιστήμια, ως μία από τους εγκυρότερους σχολιαστές και ιστορικούς των θρησκειών σε όλο τον κόσμο.

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