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HAGGARD RIDER , Haggard, Rider

Εκδότης Penguin , ISBN 9780141439525

Three men trek to the remote African interior in search of a lost friend - and reach, at the end of a perilous journey, an unknown land cut off from the world, where terrible dangers threaten anyone who ventures near the spectacular diamond mines of King Solomon...


Three men trek to the remote African interior in search of a lost friend - and reach, at the end of a perilous journey, an unknown land cut off from the world, where terrible dangers threaten anyone who ventures near the spectacular diamond mines of King Solomon...

Πληροφορίες προϊόντος

  • Συγγραφέας HAGGARD RIDER,Haggard, Rider
  • Eκδότης Penguin
  • ISBN 9780141439525
  • Κωδικός Ευριπίδη 040100037079
  • Έτος κυκλοφορίας
  • Σελίδες 0
  • Διαστάσεις
  • Βάρος 350 gr

Haggard, Rider


Henry Rider Haggard was born in Norfolk in 1856. His post of junior secretary to the Lieutenant-Governor of Natal, Sir Henry Bulwer meant that he travelled and he spent six years in South Africa . Haggard was bet by his brother that he could not write as good a novel as Stevenson's Treasure Island. The result of this bet was Haggard's 1885 book, King Solomon's Mines. It became a runaway bestseller so Haggard was able to leave London and concentrate on his writing. He published She in 1887. Andrew Lang thought She was `one of the most astonishing romances I ever read. The more impossible it is, the better you do it, till it seems like a story from the literature of another planet'. Haggard died in 1925. More books by Rider Haggard

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